
Monday, December 15, 2008

Heads of Various World organizations--Latest who's who--Quiz

Here is an update of the heads of Various World organizations.This is an important part of the current affairs. Hope it is useful for Quiz, Trivia and competitive exams.

Secretary General, UN---Ban ki moon
Director General,WHO---Margarret Chan
Head, UNICEF----Ann Veneman
Head, FAO---Jacqueous Diouff
Head,IAEA---Mohammed El Baradei
President, World Bank--Robert Zoellik
Managing Director, IMF--Dominique Strauss Kahn
Secretary General, NATO--Jaap De Hoop Scheffer
Secretary General,ASEAN--Surin Pitsuwan
Secretary General ,OPEC--Abdellah Salim El Badri
Chairman,SAARC-----Mahindra Rajapakse
Secretary General ,Commonwealth--Kamlesh Sharma

1 comment:

kaishori said...

thank u for the list..helped alot :)